Class of 1975 50th Reunion
Thursday, August 28, 2025 - Sunday, August 31, 2025
50th Class Reunion
Welcome Pensacola High School Classmates of 1975.
May 2025 marks our 50-year high school graduation. It is now time for us come together again this year!​
This website is secure and manned by your classmates who are in charge of planning your reunion. This website will remain active after our 50th reunion so that we can continue to engage with one another until the end of time. So please feel comfortable logging in and sharing all the information requested so that we will know your intentions and prepare even better for your attendance at our 50th year anniversary. Click the link below to join the website and have access to communicate with your other classmates.
If you need any help logging into the website, making payments for the banquet, or purchasing your t-shirts, don't hesitate to text Tonie Anderson-Steele at (850) 525-1761. We can't wait to see you again!​​​​
Click here to become a member of Pensacola High School Class of 1975.
This allows you to communicate with your classmates online and be eligible for giveaways!